B.B. King had Lucille.
Willie Nelson has Trigger.
Meaty Martha is for you!
Meet Meaty Martha! Meaty Martha is the first ItsYourGuitar.com instrument we’re making available for sale to the general public. She goes up on Ebay later this week, so if you’re interested in owning Martha let us know, ASAP! Martha is being offered at a very reasonable, “just lookin’ to make our first sale” price of $325. (She’ll be $350 on Ebay.) Listen to her demo below!
Into The Woods
Martha began life as an ash tree grown in the verdant hills of North Carolina. She spent years standing tall and worshipping the sun, but Martha always knew she was destined for greatness. Once she was lumbered, revealing her beautiful grain-pattern, Martha was selected for an elite group of tone woods prized for their sound and beauty. Martha was given a classic telecaster shape that accented her curves and the hypnotic swirl of her grain. She’s paired with a smooth, unfinished maple neck, topped with a rosewood fingerboard—a recipe for tone as old as time.
Meaty Martha Lives!
In the hands of It’s Your Guitar’s builders, Martha reached her full potential. An amazing set of GFS Select hot pickups in the bridge and neck give Martha her “meat.” These beefy pickups blow away the stock pickups of pricey American-made Fender telecasters. If you need a vintage sound with less bite, roll the volume down to 7-8 and Martha sings as beautifully as any vintage Broadcaster. Hear for yourself! Listen to the Meaty Martha demo below! Note: this is four tracks of Martha and bit of drums. No bass guitar was used on this track. The big bottom end you hear is all Martha meat!
Natural Good Looks
Every girl likes to look pretty, and its easy when you have Martha’s natural good looks. A beautiful grain pattern, coupled with sweet tone and pure playability, makes Martha the total
package. Still, Martha has a few blemishes that embarrass her (even though we see them as beauty marks) There’s a light spot about the size of a parsley flake above the ash pickguard that didn’t take the stain quite right, and the clear coat on the corner of the upper bout gets a bit crepe-y. Her nut is a little off (hey, whose isn’t?) and there’s a saw mark on the top side of the headstock. Give a girl a break! Martha’s beautiful!
Your Design Here
Martha’s plain headstock needs some love. It needs your name! Or Martha’s name! Or both! Put your signature, initials, or a picture of your cat! It’s your guitar—you decide what you want on Martha’s headstock and we’ll put it there!
Interested in Martha? Drop us a line at info@itsyourguitar.com
Martha’s features:
Weight: 5.8 lbs
Pickups: GFS Select, overwound, high-output
Body: Ash with wood binding, genuine ash pickguard
Neck: Unfinished maple with rosewood fretboard
Bridge: Vintage “ashtray” bridge with brass saddles
- Lay down, Martha!
- Overwound GFS Select pickups give Martha her “meat”!
- Martha’s headstock awaits your design!
- Martha under construction.
- Martha soaks in the sun. Sexy ash pickguard on a stained ash body!
- Vintage ashtray bridge with brass saddles!
- Martha’s blonde back—beautiful grain pattern!
- There’s Martha’s “beauty mark” near the pickguard.
- Martha stands tall!
- Martha’s wood binding looks sharp! I don’t like the “top-hat” selector switch so I’ll throw in a traditional barrel tip, no charge!