October 2024 News

Dean’s Classic Kramer
Rockstar Dean brought in a classic Kramer XLIII super Strat for some TLC.

Rocco and I installed new tremolo springs and gave this instrument a complete setup, including fret leveling and polish. This is a genuine Kramer circa 1980s that still sounds slick!

 The old tremolo springs were over-stretched and grungy, so we replaced them. 

The new springs fixed this lifting bridge. 

The way the high E string floats off the headstock is uniquely weird.

The neck plate is the best part! Dirty Jersey, baby!

Dean wins the Geddy Lee Look-a-Like Contest!

My cohort and bandmate Mark Zampella and I bought black Kramer Strikers sometime in the ’80s because we thought it would look cool if we had identical guitars on stage. It didn’t. My only memories of those guitars is that we modified them many times over and they didn’t look alike for very long. Mine was last seen with a mismatched, three-per-side Gibson-style neck. Those cheap Kramer Strikers were an important part of my guitar repair journey!
Good luck with the XLIII, Dean! Play loud!
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